Big Bubbles (no troubles)

What sucks, who sucks and you suck

Dark Overlord Speaks

BB doesn’t normally post links to other sites because:

  1. It’s boring, particularly when there’s barely any relevant or stimulating commentary alongside. (Look at this. This is interesting. Hey, cool. Which pointless meat product are you?)
  2. Having ensnared your browser, we’ve no motivation to redirect it elsewhere. We actually have some JavaScript embedded in this page to stop you visiting other sites ever again. But it crashes most browsers.

However, we’ll make an exception for this:

Taking Responsibility

“We have always accepted that there will be some very regrettable civilian casualties.”
- Prime Minister’s official spokeman in response to latest Baghdad bombing

…That’s big of you. Remember what we said last time? Speaking as a voter, I’ve always accepted that there will be some very regrettable electoral casualties.

Don’t Point That Thing at Me

The Iraqi army is now hopeful that, following recent successes, it will soon have killed more coalition soldiers than the coalition has. However, its top generals caution that the US could still carry out a heavy bombing campaign against allied bases.

Meanwhile, it’s good to see support growing for the War On TV in polls, despite the absence of precision bombing, quick results, Iraqi surrender, welcoming arms for the American liberators, Weapons of Mass Destruction Not Owned By America or anything else promised last Wednesday. Which was a long time ago, in politics and in the public memory.

America the Brave

BB has started reading Michael Moore’s “Stupid White Men”, so he can be held responsible for what follows. We know that Michael is a notorious polemicist and conspiracy nut with some questionable claims (although we suspect that many who question them do so from a standpoint of “That can’t possibly be true … can it??”) but nevertheless, he does have the odd valid point.

Mrs Doubtfire

Hard to believe that Mrs Doubtfire could be shown on TV, or indeed anywhere in public view, once let alone repeated as the BBC did on Saturday. The major surprise is that the end credits are not accompanied by a distant, reverberating BLAMM! as everyone who had anything to do it blows their collective brains out in shame and self-disgust at their part in foisting this sorry dross on humanity.

BB’s view is coloured slightly by the fact that we once wasted three nights queueing outside a sold-out Aberystwyth cinema to see it on release, when there were forty pubs in town offering a much higher and more intelligent standard of entertainment on a walk-in basis.

Surely Robin Williams cannot continue to coast on the goodwill generated by “Live at the Met” for much longer…

Colonic Relief

It’s Comic Relief Day tomorrow - fantastic! Not only do we get a day of skiving and messing around at work for charity (this year, the theme is “Big Hair” so we’re going to shave peoples’ heads - wild! amazing!), but we get a whole evening of quality television. Lenny Henry and Jonathan Ross jumping around a studio set, finding exciting new ways to raise money - brilliant! Wacky sketches involving the cast of Casualty! Zany crossover editions of Eastenders and whatever the BBC’s latest hilarious sitcom is! Take the phone off the hook, I don’t want to be Disturbed!

Honestly, I can’t believe the entertainers involved provide their time and extraordinary talent like this for FREE! Thank ghod for charity, eh?

Mission Improbable

In these times of economic downturn and hardship, many companies are seeking to cut costs and eliminate waste. BB has a strategy guaranteed to trim the payroll: find the person who wrote the corporate mission statement and sack them, because they clearly don’t have any relevant purpose. And if that person turns out to be the CEO, so much the better; after all, they probably represent the largest part of the payroll.

Appropriate Response

“When a nation, terrorist group, or other adversary attacks the United States through cyberspace, the U.S. response need not be limited to criminal prosecution. The United States reserves the right to respond in an appropriate manner.”
- National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace

…In other words, when the spammers and hacker use YOUR spoofed email address or IP to launch a DoS against the Whitehouse web site, it’s YOUR neighbourhood that will be targeted for the nuclear strike.

At last, a way to remove AOL users from the net!