Big Bubbles (no troubles)

What sucks, who sucks and you suck

Airline Network Are Privacy-invading F**ks

…So we wanted to go on holiday, so I went to Yahoo! Travel (with an extra flourish on the mouse to match the !) and searched the Airline Network site for cheap deals. And, finding one that was suitable, I filled in the form asking for a personal quote, taking care to unclick all the “please continue to pester me with unwanted calls and emails bearing a tone of desperate pleading for the rest of my life” boxes as usual.

Something to Repel

OK, so I bought Word magazine no.3, despite the fact that there was nothing I wanted to read about in it and despite the promise I made to myself not to buy it if this were the case. So sue me, I wanted something to read.

A Day at the Zoo

By way of extremes, an otter and a tiger. One of these animals will give you a nasty bite. The other is too tired.

What Is (Bush) Good For?

Edwin Starr has died of a heart attack at 61. Rumours that he was watching the news at the time are unconfirmed.

“War can’t give life, it can only take it away!”

Car Wreckers

Here are two pictures of keas in New Zealand. Keas can pull a vehicle to bits with their beaks but then, if you’re unfortunate enough to be driving a Maui campervan, it’s probably too late to worry about that anyway.